Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The small tulips we bought yesterday. Arn't they super cute? :)
I slept bad last night so I was very tired today at work... So tired that when I was talking I made a pause before every word. I had to think about the word first. Some things I said didn't make sense at all... Fortunately I have great coworkers. Instead of laughing at me they laughed with me, such a difference. 
I made buxbom hearts today, with a heart shaped frame and then buxbom and pearls on wire. I thought they looked a bit Christmassy, but that was what Rebecka wanted me to do, so I did. :) They are for Valentines Day. 
When I left work all I could think of was taking the bus right to my doorstep and get some lunch - tired and hungry. What was instead was me getting on another bus, driven by a friend of mine, going to another place and then taking a walk home. It's a nice walk, and it was a lovely sunny crispy day. Frost on the ground, chilly. Clear nice air, birds, forest and a waterfall. I came home less than 25 minutes later than I should have, so it was a 'bargin'. :) 
I think I will make this a habit.

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