Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

I decided to tackle the ton of 'stuff' that I've accumulated and take it either to the tip for recycling or to one of the many charity shops around.
I loaded the car and headed first to the tip - closed for a week for maintenance !
There has been a flurry of photos on FB this week where rubbish has been dumped in the local lanes. I now know why. Some people don't need much if any excuse.
On the way there I had noticed a field of new born lambs so, in order to make the trip worthwhile, I stopped off on the way home to try and get some shots.
Back home and unloaded the first batch of stuff and replaced it by a 2nd load for charity, only to be told at the depot that they didn't want it. 
It does annoy me that 'stuff' that is unmarked, and never been used in some cases, is refused without good reason.

What a complete waste of a morning but at least I got to watch a field of lambs playing in the sun

This pm Jorgie and I walked off my frustration. It was lovely in the sun with not a breath of wind. Quite different from what they’re predicting for the weekend

Day total 3miles
Year total 111.5 miles

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