Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Another Tree With Obliging Cow

Took Jorgie for two longish walks today.

This morning we headed down to the woods and because the weather wasn't very good and the paths were extremely muddy, I thought that there wouldn't be anyone else around.
With great trepidation I took off Jorgie's lead and asked her to walk along side me. Bless her, she walked for nearly a mile like this and never once looked like she was going to take off into the vast wooded area.
I think we have made such good progress since New Year and, consequently we are both enjoying our walks together.
There's still a long way to go but today was a very good day.

On our late afternoon ramble as the sun set, this tree looked fantastic against the clouds.
Very luckily for me one of the cows wandered into view just at the right time.

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