By lizzie_birkett

The Good Ache!

I managed to get out and do a bit of gardening at the mooring this afternoon.
I spent ages trying to dig up an old chive plant that had got far to big. The roots were so deep I had to keep working at it with the garden fork, then the trowel, then the fork again. I don't know if I got it all out - time will tell. Instead of filling in the hole, I put the pot of Helleborus that I bought at B&M in it, so I won't forget where the chives were.
I thought I would get loads done but after the chives I only dug up some of the grass that encroached from the farmer's field. 
Suddenly it went icy cold out there and I still had to dispose of the 'diggings', put things away and wash my gloves and wellies in the freezing water from the hose pipe! By the time I came inside my hands were red raw.
The other plants in the extra are some alpines I bought to plant around the Helleborus. I also got some pots of Narcissi and Tulips. All from B&M.
Now I've been indoors for a while and had my tea I can feel that muscle ache you get when you've been gardening. I always say it's a good ache - the ache that tells you you've been working hard and you've enjoyed every minute!

This morning we went round the charity shops in Skipton then for a cuppa and cake at Steep + Filter - the vegan cafe. I had baked blueberry cheesecake and Frank had white chocolate cheesecake. Both yum!

Bella May is sitting here whinging because we won't let her out. She's been sitting by a hole all afternoon waiting for something to pop out! I don't know what lives down there it's only about 3-4 inches wide.

Tonight we'll be watching the 2nd part of Silent Witness which should have been on last night but they changed the schedule yesterday because of a bloomin' football match! I didn't know till I switched the telly on at 9pm!

Anyway, that's all for today ;-)

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