From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Erm, snow, snow and a bit more snow!

(for want of a more imaginative title!)

Yesterday afternoon Mr G and the little Gs built a family of 4 mini snowmen using most of the remaining snow in our garden. Today it has snowed all day. This was the view of our back garden just before 5 this evening - the snow level has risen substantially and is now threatening to reclaim the snowmen...

I spent the afternoon at the computer finalising my glossary and panicking about Tuesday.
(Mr G, meanwhile, took the children to a friend's hastily rearranged sledging birthday party!)
I need to be at my exam venue at 8.45 on Tuesday morning. Thankfully, I saw sense in the week and abandoned my original plan to travel down on the day itself, and have arranged accommodation in the vicinity for tomorrow night. So just have to hope that at some point tomorrow at least one train is running into London... Fingers crossed!

Will catch up with comments etc on Wednesday when it's all over...

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