The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Mrs wide awake

Today I flew home... I knew something big was going on this morning and so was a bit unsettled. Scrub that ... I was furious, but burned myself out and fell asleep on mummy, wasn't in a much better mood when I woke up. Luckily grandad drove us to the airport and I fell asleep in the car seat and stayed that way for the whole time in the airport.

When I woke up we were already on the plane and I was a bit surprised, once I had something to eat I was just fine again. The nice air hostesses had moved mummy to a seat where there was a space between me and the next passenger so this is a picture of me lying kicking and laughing at my new friend. He was very friendly and helped mummy with her bags. I was fine through all the flight and enjoyed all the attention I was getting, but I didnt like the landing, I think it was sore on my ears, I got super upset and stressed but lucky for mummy when I'm stressed I seem to fall asleep so we got through it!

Daddy was waiting for his girls to arrive with a big bunch of flowers and now I'm cosy at home reunited with my long lost mobile and of course papa!

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