The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Blue eyed aunties

Today we had a ladies day at my great granny Bs house, we had lunch all together with my granny and her sister, that's my great auntie Margaret.

I got really cosy on her shoulder after my bottle and settled down for a good wee snooze. Noticed that's where I get my big blue eyes from too!

The days in scotland have flown past, think mummy managed to fit most people into visits, we dont know when we will next be back but I hope its soon!

I am looking forward to getting home to my papa now though. I was a bit grumpy at my uncle David's house tonight and mummy thinks its because I could hear a man's voice and feel his beard when he gave me a cuddle but it wasnt my daddy... hope he has enjoyed his time off though!

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