
I had a routine appointment at the New Royal Infirmary today to check on my right eye which has a slight film developing which is slowly altering my right eye’s vision. Nothing major yet.

It was such a beautiful day that I decided to leave early and walk - just over a mile and a half. Because drops might have had to be administered I could not drive. In any event the parking fees are to be avoided if at all possible.

Photo of the back of the eye taken. No drops required. So I decided to walk back. Took a more circuitous route round Craigmillar Castle and found myself above the recycling centre. The gift that keeps on giving in blip terms.

I have yet to see what they have done with the pink elephant and the bear. But high above the site there is a huge gorilla hanging in a tree. And this magnificent spider which had me thinking of Shelob’s lair in Lord of the Rings.

Afternoon more mundane with shopping and replacing our broken letter box. While the replacement looked identical the location of the screws was different. What should have been 10 minutes turned into 90, with drilling and sawing. But it has been fitted.

Chilled out at hospital radio to end the week.

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