As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Newton's Laws

What a good day.

I slept in and spent the morning playing video games. At 1:30ish Larry and I walked to meet Kenny at Subway for lunch. We spent our lunch discussing movies and the like before walking back over the bridge to meet up with Jack. We walked all the way around Twin Lakes and I stopped to take this picture along the way. We ended up walking to Larry's to play some video games. When we all left I went to tutor for an hour before eating and heading back to Larry's, except this time it was to do physics with Zach. We got a lot done and I'm happy that we prepared together for this midterm. I drove home and now I'm about to start reading On the Road.

Word of the Day: Jubilarian - A person who celebrates or has celebrated a jubilee, as a nun observing 25 or more years of religious life

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