As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Booker T. Washington

I had a pretty relaxing morning. Just video games and tutoring.

I went to a cello lesson in Kings Park at 4. It took 45 minutes to get there, so it pretty much took up my afternoon.

Dinner, and then a quick drive over to Larry's to do more physics with him and Zach. We got a lot done and we played some chess. It snowed pretty much the whole time we were there, and my mom didn't want me driving home, so she made my dad and sister walk the dog to Larry's and then sit in the car with me on the ride home. All that did was make the ride home extremely unenjoyable.

Just did a little review of all of the English books for my midterm tomorrow. Time to sleep.

Word of the Day: Allocution - A formal speech, especially one of an incontrovertible or hortatory nature

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