Every Picture Tells .....


Elland Bridge


It was a case of battening down the hatches overnight as storm Ciara hit the whole of the UK with 60+  mph winds, torrential rain, thunder and lightning. So far the fence has survived, the only issue at home being a silted up drain which was easily cleared.

A 7.5 km treadmill run this morning during the worst of the storm and a 6 km walk this afternoon through waterlogged fields has brought my daily step count up to 20,000.

The blip shows a shipping container stuck under Elland Bridge. It contains sports equipment and has floated down from the flooded Heath Rugby Club. Apparently another container and a Range Rover and a caravan are also heading downstream. I wonder if they will all float away under the bridge when the water levels ease?

As a result the bridge is closed for 24 hours subject to it passing  structural examination.

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