
Took the Eldest to the doctor today, as she's still not feeling flash, and her ear is really giving her problems. Ear infection...of course. Antibiotics is the order of the day, and now we're tightly fingers crossed that she's shaken it very soon. I've got plans!

I'm starting to feel as if I'm on house arrest. Criminal when the weather is just divine, and the forecast for the next ten days shows Mr Sun with his hat firmly on.

She wore these trackies today. I think she might be passing them on fairly soon. Both of the girls have been sprouting lately. Would be nice if they would hand clothes down, but no, they're in the same size despite the 20 month age gap. Those skinny feet of hers cost a pretty penny as well. She walks out of most easily cheaply bought shoes, so we have to go to the fancy shoe shop.

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