The Quiet Life

By Olympix

Not Forgotten

A busy Sunday. Up early and after the kids returned from Mass, back into town for Grace's ballet practise (she has a big show on next weekend). We had coffee in town while waiting, then after collecting Grace we took them to Supermac's for a treat (if junk food can be defined as a treat). Then home where we had visitors waiting. After an hour they left, and we went for a walk (I collected all the kids things from the garden beforehand, which is when I blipped Grace's runners). When out we met friends who invited us in. After a couple of hours and a bottle of wine later we walked home, fed the kids, put them to bed, and watched a movie, 'Burn After Reading', which was truly dreadful. But it couldn't spoil what had been a very good day.

Have a good week everyone!

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