The Quiet Life

By Olympix

Bad job, Biffo.

Like most of the world's populace, the Irish are unhappy with their leadership. The voters confidence in Fianna Fail is at a record low. Redundancies and the banking scandals have left Biffo and his party very unpopular. That and the cost of living, which is scandalous. Now we are to be taxed even more, while earning less. What irks me is the tax concessions for artists. So while I applaud a Government that gives a hand to struggling writers, painters and poets, the same rule applies no matter how succesful you are. So a guy selling 100 books pays no tax on his earnings, and neither will U2. Or Enya, Ireland's richest woman. Imagine. Bono and Enya paying NO TAX on their earnings, just beacause they are 'artists'. Shocking, isn't it? This needs to be adressed, beacuse once again it is the poor getting poorer while the rich get richer. And Biffo (our leader, who looks like a character from the 'Dandy' comic), is paid more than the leaders of Britain and America. I'd laugh if it wasn't funny! So, the Government is rubbish. Literally, in this case.

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