
By Kiteseeker

Pit Stop

On the way home couldn’t resist a small diversion to Ashness Bridge. The Borrowdale road had a few blocked culverts which partially flooded the road. The council workers were doing their best to rake out the debris. The road up to the bridge had acted as an extra river course yesterday and had debris strewn across.

A good time to see the bridge with a decent amount of water coming through. It must have been an amazing sight yesterday, if you could get there, as it appeared as though the water went around as well as through the bridge.

Lots of flooding in evidence on the way home. My heart goes out to all those affected. Picked up petrol in Penrith much cheaper than it would have cost at Scotch Corner....26p a litre difference! 

Glad I did the chores before we left just the fire to light on arrival.

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