The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Hells Bells

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Lovely Shuvly slipped on Thursday on her way to the train station. Like a trooper, she made her way home (hobbling) and eased the pain of her sprained ankle with a bottle of wine.

A trip to the hospital the following morning revealed that her ankle was broken (despite Shuvly’s protestation of “but I only came in with a sprain”).

“I was really annoyed because I was supposed to be having my hair done that afternoon and I’d already had to cancel Waggles”.


Turns out that Waggles is the dog grooming salon where Shuvly takes her spaniels to get clipped. Bruar and Bailey had been there earlier in the week, but as they were so excited when she picked them up, she hadn’t noticed that the tops of their heads hadn’t been done. She couldn’t be @rsed going back and decided that she would deal with the boys’ Mohicans by herself.

Annoyingly, the dog clippers were nowhere to be found but Shuvly, being ever resourceful, dug out her recent purchase of a Remington bikini trimmer.

Which turned out NOT to be the right tool for the job! Neither Bruar’s dignity nor the bikini trimmers survived the experience and a second appointment at Waggles was hastily made!

So poor Shuvly is laid up (and poor Bruar has the hairdo from hell). As a supportive friend, I have bought her a bell which she can ring to let Basher (her husband) know when she needs something. Pretty sure he’ll love it!


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