Cold snap

The average winter temperature is around 20C, so we’re all dreading the next couple of days!

My guys were tired today, I couldn’t get anything much out of them at all. I resorted to lots of revision using apps - Kahoot and Quizizz, and it works. I also asked them if they had a photo or video about Kuwait life they could share and talk about. K dances well they tell me, so on YouTube he found a couple of videos from his wedding which showed all the men dancing together, holding their swords. They were all wearing traditional dress and he and his father were also wearing the traditional long coat called a bisht. I later learned that only sheikhs wear those and it turned out he’s quite famous. I’ve also heard these coats are very expensive - £2-3k. The class told me a bit about the dancing, and explained that the men and women celebrate the weddings separately; at no point is anything done together, including paperwork. At the end of the celebration the groom collects the wife from her celebration. He also showed me the invitation that is on YouTube with his photo and details. It had more than a thousand views. These are big affairs, with much ceremony and tradition including a line up to great everyone and lots of food. Another student showed me a video from his brother’s recent wedding, maybe slightly less formal. On the way to the reception the cars stopped in the street for people to get out and dance. The video for the invitation had more than 50k views! I felt privileged they were comfortable and willing to share this with me. They’re a good group, and we have a good rapport.

I got to the gym, finally and then met a contact who may help me secure some work. A nice catch up. I managed a quick dinner in the local Lebanese cafe but was keen to get home. The wind was freezing. In bed by 9pm!

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