
By seddon


I only woke up once overnight last night, and when daddy left for work this morning I was still in my own cot for a change!
Thomas's chin is feeling better today he says, but he still needed help taking his pj top off and putting in his jumper. We walked Thomas to school and went to the office to tell them he wasn't allowed out to play or to do PE. He is not happy about this!
Me and mummy got home just as it started hailstoning, and it's been snowing/raining/hailstoning most of the day.
Jenna and isobel and kay and bethan came round for the afternoon. Me and isobel played with my toys, and bethan had some cuddles with mummy and jenna. I didn't even get jealous when mummy held bethan, and when she was lay on the sofa I tried stroking her head saying 'awww'. This picture was taken before isobel bashed me over the head with a piece of jigsaw!
Me and mummy went to pick thomas up from school and came home to call daddy who is not having a good day - he's out on a store run with Preston, and he's so far been locked out of the van, got a dead battery and now a flat tyre! It's turning into a very long day for him!
Mummy gave me and Thomas tea and a bath for me and quick wash for Thomas and we had a story before bed.
Daddy still isn't home!

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