
By Madchickenwoman

Wet and Dry

Well Storm Ciara didn't seem keen to leave us - still windy and very cold! The Tamar river was high but didn't break it's banks thankfully. Earlier Oscar had his playdate - luckily the wind was coming from behind the open fronted shed so we stayed relatively warm! The builders are still sanding down the beams and putting up battens for the plasterboard. I left them in charge whilst I went for a blood test. I saw the Dr the other week as I'd had a bad spell since Christmas of stomach pain, he wanted to run another set of tests to make sure they were not blindly going down the IBS route and overlooking something else Ovarian Cancer! That put the wind up me! 
 I managed to take Oscar for his late afternoon walk in the dry and to deliver a rather dark looking sourdough bread to the potters husband. I nearly put it in the bin as I had forgotten to turn the oven down for it's third part of baking and didn't think it was fit to be given to someone! Well wouldn't you know it he was delighted with it! Said if it was just how he liked it and if it had been in a shop it's the one he would have bought! Once home I gathered my bits for the allotment as I was covering Mai's duty - wouldn't you know it the heavens opened! Much to my relief by the time I got to the plot it ceased so I was able to put them to bed and tidy up the storm damage to the plot! I just had time to eat before Ginger arrived for the evening - The Exile has choir on a Monday eve! Come 10 O'clock we managed the last walk in just a light rain! 

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