
My original plan had been to swim yesterday and run today but I saw there was rain forecast and swapped my plans. Just as well I did! It wasn't merely rain, it was Storm Ciara.

Despite the flooding in the car park at the David Lloyd centre, shown in today's picture, I think we got off fairly lightly in Chorley. The Minx showed me photos on Facebook of Kendal and Kirkby Lonsdale, both of whose rivers had swollen right up. 

But I felt most sorry for Hebden Bridge, which only recently fully recovered from the flooding a few years back and was submerged again, today. Ironically, it seems that the Calder Valley MP, Craig Whittaker, has repeatedly voted against climate measures and, allegedly (and, if true, unbelievably), previously rejected the offer of funding for flood defences after the 2015 flood. 

Still, he is, according to Wikipedia, both a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and yet also one of the Tory MPs who voted against the legislation requiring private landlords to make their properties fit for human habitation. He is, of course, "one of 72 Conservative MPs who voted against the amendment who personally derived an income from renting out property". Honestly, who votes for these people?

-11.3 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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