Flora is like my little shadow. She's always watching me and when I'm doing anything in the house like cooking, or folding clothes or getting ready to go out, she's there tripping me up. Love her so much.

Managed to ride out again today this time with Wendy and Jason. We went round the Res. Back still not 100% but getting there. Bud was a good boy though we had a bit of head tossing towards the end. He does it when he gets tired as he uses all the wrong muscles to hold his head up so I have to work hard to encourage him to work from his back end.

I got Jack in this morning as his field is waterlogged again. I did 20 mins lungeing with him and he's had to stop in tonight. There's just no point in putting him out to stand in mud. At least the other two have some dry-ish areas to stand in.

Kids had their swim lessons tonight. Eva got moved up a group so we have to get her from multi sports at school which finishes at 4.15, changed and in the pool by 4.30 and it's at least a 10 min drive. She did really well tonight. Sometimes when they move up they look like they are way behind the others but she definitely didn't. Looking forward to the half term break now!

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