.....ice,ice baby.......

Three reasons why there was no fishing this weekend.
1. The ponds are frozen solid and none of us feel inclined to break the ice.
2. Snow and ice have made the platforms treacherous.
3. There is a vicious, bitter wind that cuts through you like a knife.

One reason why this is a back blip.
1. Having seen the boys this morning and getting numb to the bone, I got home to find that the Boss and the Daughter had obviously got up, taken one look at the weather and gone back to bed!

They eventually surfaced around 2.00......a quick trip to Asda....lots of cold weather treats...crumpets, chocolate, picnic eggs, crusty bread....and then we did.................

nothing, nada, zip, nil, not a sausage, bugger all!

It started snowing around 5.00 and it was still going when I got back from a beer with D and B at around 11.30....cold and sniffly so straight off to bed....wonder if well get the snow day message in the morning?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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