
Late afternoon, I met up with Dom. It's Hannah's birthday tomorrow and it's Valentine's Day, too, so I'd planned a trip to Ebb and Flo's bookshop followed by a couple of glasses of wine at The Ale Station. When I made this plan with Dom, I hadn't realised that I wouldn't be drinking :-/

Still, we met up at the Vault for a coffee, then ambled down to Ebb and Flow, where I picked up a book I'd ordered for the Minx and found something for Hannah, before we went over to the Ale Station, where the Minx joined us. 

I had a couple of lime and sodas, which was fine, actually. I don't think the lack of wine impacted my enjoyment, as such. I think it just felt a bit unusual, as it did at the Royal the other night. 

-10.9 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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