Saturday: Ice Fishing Huts

It’s been a great day!  We were picked up mid morning by Jaden who was looking after us for the day.  We transferred to a snow truck (see extra) and then drove 35 minutes onto the Great Slave Lake - literally on to.  It completely freezes up in the winter and currently the ice is about 4 feet thick.  We arrived at these huts where we set ourselves up for some ice fishing - fishing through a hole in the ice.  We didn’t catch anything but Jaden did pull up some nets that had been down a few days and they were more successful..

We then headed to a cabin for a great lunch of sashimi and fish soup, all with freshly caught fish from the lake.

This evening we had more adventures!  We headed out on snowmobiles in the dark, back to the cabin, for some aurora watching and, yes, we saw them and they were amazing.  A sky full of green and white shimmering lights.  Northern lights photography is really hard!  (See extra to prove my point).  

The snowmobiles were great fun!  I drove one and Pam the other.  It took about 30 minutes on the way there and 15 on the way back as I was way more confident.  Temperatures were -32 with a windchill of -42.  My eyelashes froze on the snowmobile which was an interesting experience.  

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