Artificial Spring

There is something good about making the effort to take back a purchase chosen in haste and repented at leisure and getting your money back.
With that accomplished there was a coffee, taken at the much blossomed and garlanded Ivy on the Square, with a schoolfriend before casting a critical eye on the continuing dereliction of East Princes Street Gardens and noticing Jenner’s, that bastion of Edinburgh’s middle class shopping experience, had shut its doors in preparation for the building to be turned into yet another hotel and sundry shops.
It is such an icon of a building in this famous thoroughfare, that it will be a huge miss. It was in Jenner’s that I met Santa Claus for the first time about the age of 3, when I was taken by my aunt as a treat. I cried to her dismay but recovered as I left feeling emboldened , so the story goes, to whistle. (I was an early siffleuse, but was discouraged by my grandmother because it was not a ladylike thing to do ). I can still whistle like a lintie.

How many pairs of socks does the average person own? I ask because I suddenly felt the urge to rationalise my sock drawer which is just a mass of socks that never get worn. I turfed out most of them but still kept sufficient to provide an octopus with a daily change for a week.
Then it was on to jumpers which I have accumulated in case one of them will be the very thing I need for colour coordination. Happily, Porty daughter wants to have first choice before they go to the charity shop.
I suppose you might see this frenetic activity as some sort of spring clean..... hopefully that and not subconsciously putting my affairs in order...........

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