Struggling for sunshine

Despite the snow, slush and ice, I left home at the usual time and got to work right on schedule. Pah to transport problems.

I ventured out at lunchtime to seek some snow that no one else had stood in, and then stomped about a bit. I tried in vain to find a squirrel for the request Life's Little Moments had posted for today. However, it was not to be. All the squirrels were tucked up in their dens. I didn't even spot any rodents in the garden this morning. Only starlings, blackbirds, pigeons and sparrows were foraging at the bird table.

Talking of rodents, another mouse has been spied in the office, which caused some concern for bags, shoes and other cosy corners that a wee rodent could scramble into. Needless to say, I was looking for it with an altogether different reason. I'm partial to a mouse, especially crafty ones that live on the 8th floor. That's admirable. However, perhaps the office would allow a cat to visit and deter small visitors. Not my cat since he would be useless; Whisky would hide in a shoe beside the mouse.

I finished reading The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson. It's fantastic, but I'm disappointed to discover that there's no sequel. There's the start of another story at the end, so I wouldn't be surprised if there a book in the pipeline. In the meantime, I spy that Mr Sanderson has a great many other books that I haven't read. (Mum, I'll send this book to you post haste - I think it will take you a couple of hours to breathe it in.)

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