
Came out the cinema this afternoon (Emma (perfectly fine, perhaps not my cup of tea) and the rest of Birds Of Prey (glad I saw it all in the end, but not particularly thrilled by it to be honest)), turned on my phone and saw an email from a pal with the news about Andrew Weatherall. Damn!

I'd listened to his music and bought his records over many years - everything from his Primal Scream production and remix work back in the early 90s to his stuff on Warp with Sabres Of Paradise and Two Lone Swordsmen (both of who I loved) and more recently his Asphodells material - I even made 'Ruled By Passion, Destroyed By Lust' my album of the year in 2013. In the last few years I've read a few book reviews by him and seen him talking about his love of art and printmaking - a man of many talents.

I never met him, but someone I used to work with at Fopp in the late 90s booked him to play her club night, a tiny little Friday night affair in some upstairs room on Niddry Street. I can't imagine there was much money in it for him but, apparently they had to drag him off the decks, dripping with sweat, after giving it his absolute all for several hours. And then he just hung out with everyone and was, by all accounts, an absolute legend. Which really is the kind of thing you want to hear.

Blue Bullet

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