A place in time

By Verbosa

New wheels!

I spent the day with Mum today...

First off, she went for a hearing aid test, since hers got damaged in the fire and she's really struggling to hear.  However, to get them properly fitted/calibrated (or whatever) we've got to arrange for her to have her ears syringed.  Still, at least we have ordered the hearing aids to get the ball rolling and booked the fitting date.

Then it was a quick dash back to the flats to have some lunch in the café (jacket potato with coronation chicken & side salad, followed by a danish pastry & latté, in case you were interested), before heading out to the mobility shop in Farnham.  We managed to find a spanking new 4-wheeler with seat (see pic), which gave her a much better feeling of stability as she's been very wobbly on her pins since her recent fall and has been struggling with her old 3-wheeler.  The plan is that with her new wheels she will take a few walks along the corridors each day to try to improve her walking. 

Thought for the day:

Three Wheels On My Wagon

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