A place in time

By Verbosa

Any old iron

We have a collection of old cast iron irons...all passed down through the family, so somewhere back in time our ancestors must have used these on a daily basis (or weekly - wasn't Monday washday and Tuesday the day for ironing?).  Can you imagine such a thing these days, with our modern-day steam irons and suchlike?  I'm also guessing that there must be interesting history behind the different designs...perhaps this is something to investigate?

Line dancing day today followed by a quick trip to see Karla in Twin Larder on the way home.  Today I managed to pick up a tub of coffee beans just as they were delivered - so as freshly roasted as they can be, plus some ground cinnamon, brown flaxseeds, vegan giant chocolate buttons, salted caramel hot chocolate, some chocolate brazil nuts (my guilty pleasure) and a small jar of Hog's Back honey.  My receipt was e-mailed to me before I got home...a great system.

Other than that I confess I've had a lazy day with only a bit of gentle pottering housework plus a relaxing read of my current library book with a coffee and a few of those brazil nuts!

Thought for the day:

"5 by 5 rule:  If it's not gonna matter in 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes being upset about it." 

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