But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

When Icicles Hang ........

I can now get round to posting today's blip having spent over half an hour and a dozen attempts at up-loading yesterday's picture. Will proof-read the strongly worded letter to TalkTalk in the morning and get it posted - "There Will Be Blood!"

This morning we took the dogs out, no surprise there then, had a few interesting pictures but I'm getting frustrated with the camera. The resolution is not too good at longer focal lengths - unlike its predecessor which failed to survive the wrong charging lead stuck in the wrong orifice. The replacement was merely an update but Samsung seem to have over-cooked the zoom. I'm also hankering after a machine that shoots raw format; if I can persuade Mrs TD that she ought to upgrade her camera, then I might be allowed to upgrade mine; there are some nice little compacts around now that would do nicely.
The big problems with the current model are that the manual settings are tedious and that its low dynamic range is losing detail in the shadows and highlights, a particular problem with the high contrast in snow scenes; there are adjustments that can be made in the deep dark recesses of the menus but, when your fingers are frozen, you lose the will to find them and, they don't work in the most useful modes.

I ended up with a choice of blips but I liked the icicles and they gave me the thought that if you have three of them, do you have a tricicle?

I'm really sorry, perhaps I should go to bed.

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