
It was sheet ice when PD and I went out this morning.
How I managed to stay upright I have no idea.
I thought there was going to be some nice colour coming into the sky. I was wrong.
Trees seem to have been the main subject for the camera today and I revisited the tiny fungus and the moss on the trunks.

I picked one snowdrop to try and photograph in an arty farty way.
I don't think I could have picked a more scabby specimen if I had tried.

It was quite funny watching everybody teetering along trying to keep their feet on the icy paths or sinking nearly to their ankles if they took to the grass - or at least, it was until it dawned on my that I was one of those people.

By lunchtime all the ice had gone as it warmed up and the rain arrived.

We got a call from No1 son - Bunny isn't too great and they aren't too keen on travelling all the way up here ….. so we are going to meet them about half way and stay in a rental cottage for the weekend instead.

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