The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Communication Failure

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

First day back after a week off and I had to be in at 7 am for support.

EXCEPT I DIDN’T. Because there was no tw@tting deployment the previous day but The Boss had neglected to let me know.

I think I can safely say that I made my feelings about that oversight quite clear with a “you put the u in useless.” I also helped myself to the sweets on his desk, claiming I needed the sugar for energy after being up so early (but really it was because it was a bag of Blackjacks and Fruit Salads).

I didn’t actually mind. It was a great day - almost 2 hours of peace in the morning before anyone came in. I left at 3 pm. And I got to dish out some abuse!


PS Yes, the picture is from yesterday but it’s better than one of the hosing rain today!

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