Herding Cats
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
Three weeks ago, The Boss said he fancied catching up with The Doctor and Little John for lunch and somehow it became my job to organise it. I know these guys well and set up an appropriately named WhatsApp group - ‘Herding Cats.’ After A LOT of to-ing and fro-ing, we settled on a date and time - today at 12.30.
The first of the messages came on Monday from The Doctor “So? Um, em, when are we meeting?”
Little John helpfully responded WITH THE WRONG DAY- “Thursday I believe. Can we make it 12?”
Me (dying inside): “Both of you are crap. It’s tomorrow”
More to-Ing, fro-Ing, checking of schedules before they both agreed that THE DATE WE HAD ALL AGREED was in fact, still suitable. The only person not being a wuckfit was The Boss who had both remembered and was still available.
Until this morning when he sent a message to say that he had a “diary buster*” and didn’t think he could make it.
Are you feeling my pain?
In the end, The Boss was late but still made it and it was good fun catching up. So good that The Boss suggested we could arrange to meet up for a beer after work one night.
As they looked at me expectantly, I may have let out a few swear words as I made it clear that Hell will be very chilly before I have anything to do with organising that night out.
*meetings (set up by complete control freaks) that trumps anything already in the diary. Kind of like a calendar p1ssing contest.
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