Wet, wet, wet

It may not look like it's pouring with rain in this photo …............because it wasn't. But 2 mins later it was …....................and we got soaked. And this is the only photo that Ann has taken of me today.

We also got soaked on my 'first thing in the morning' walk. And Ann got soaked walking from the car to Asda and she also got soaked when she went to do a 'Meet & Greet' this afternoon even though she took the bus instead of walking, so it's going to be yet another day when she doesn't reach her target of 20,000 steps. Then we both got soaked when I had another little walk around the block when she got home.

Ann has no dry coats left to wear. And I have no dry towels.

And tomorrow we're off on a 'girls weekend away to St Andrews'. Weather forecast is looking diabolical. Not that, that will worry the girlies. They'll be spending the whole weekend eating and drinking. So that's another three days when Ann won't reach her target of 20,000 steps?!

…................I'm just hoping that Ann will remember that I will still need a couple of decent length walks every day??!!!  I don't care what the weather is like??!!

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