
By Cumbrialass

You can never have only one.

Off for our walk in the woods by the Abbey.. but shorter than normal as the dark clouds loomed and we just made it to the car before the rain/sleet arrived. 

By the time we got home the sun had come out and it was wall to wall blue sky! Typical.

I took advantage of the sunlight streaming through the upstairs window and got the macarons out of the freezer to take some photos for the Let's do 52 theme 'Sell something '

My first problem was getting the macarons to balance.. then the sun went in! 
I wanted a hand to  be in the photo.. to pinch a macaroon..  but the only model was myself So I set the timer and used my own hand . I hadn't realised how old my hands looked! I need to start using hand cream...though I may have left it a few years too late. I did various shots but I like the fact this was in partial give a feeling of sneaking the macaron secretly. 
Needless to say, they were defrosted by the time I'd finished  so was forced to eat them!  Oh to suffer for ones art! 
I shared  them  with M

It was still daylight when I took Fletch out. As he'd not had his usual long walk he was raring to go and led me ip to the park. He was disappointed that he only had a brief walk by the lake before we it was getting  dark! By the time we did get home it was dark and M was getting worried but Fletch enjoyed his walk.


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