A Horrible Drive

Howling gale - horizontal rain and lunatics who seem to think that on country roads they need to crawl along at half the speed limit but on the motorway they have to drive as fast as possible so they can get off it as soon as possible. 
It doesn't make for an enjoyable drive.
Not helped by a sat-nav that insists on trying to take you a longer, slower, more tortuous route than the one you know you should use (I did take the one I had researched and not the one the car wanted to take).

We arrived about 5 minutes after No1 son and family and found ourselves in a wonderful old 3 bedroomed house about 2 miles outside a nice wee village.
Butterfly and Bunny were full of smiles and kisses which was great.

The blip is Butterfly using the binoculars I gave her to try and see if there were foxes or badgers living in the old icehouse built into the banking opposite.

Hopefully we will manage to get some exploring done tomorrow, but the forecast isn't looking good. 

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