Deceptive (Day 1752)

It has been vile all day. The wind has been blowing pretty much 60mph all day.
After the woofer wander this morning, I spent a little while sorting out the pile of stuff in the back of the van, then headed to town with a truck load of stuff for the dump and then on to Tesco to do the weekly shop. Back at home I made a start on batch cooking food for the woofers, before getting all my waterproof gear on and heading to Wasdale with the dogs. I was really lucky and the sleety hail shower stopped as I arrived at the car park, and I managed to do the whole walk without having to put up with any rain, sleet, hail or snow. The sky was fairly dramatic, and the shot I took makes it look like it was a nice day. The camera does lie! 
Home again for lunch with my beautiful wife then an afternoon on the couch watching rugby. 
Apparently one of the local weather stations has recorded a gust of over 100mph this afternoon. 

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