
By Cumbrialass

Slow Saturday

Another wet walk,.. but at least we were all dressed up accordingly.  Sorry Mr Wainright.. but even with the right clothing sometimes it IS just bad weather!*

Finished sewing up my cardigan.. did some reading and generally just pottered this afternoon.

Managed a dry teatime walk with Fletch. Blip is the view from the kitchen door as we got back home . The sky a lovely blue just before darkness descends.

Highlight today was to see an article in the local paper had used one of my photos as a header... attributed to me but as M said it would be nice if they paid me. .. and the Westmorland Gazette also published one of my photos too. 
As a beginner it does boost my confidence.  

* famous Fell walker Alfred Wainwright once said.. "theres no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing"

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