No wind, no coat

Today felt like the first day of Spring.. but not straight away. 
There was a hazy sun and no wind so we decided to go to the coast road. As we got closer the sea mist rolled in, despite the tide being out. 
 At times it was quite thick but every so often it thinned and we got a glimpse of the  blue sky .
There wasnt a breath of wind and it was  very peaceful. We took our time strolling along the beach which at the moment has lots and lots of shells .in between the stretches of sand .

Photo is of another dog walker out on the sands who turned out to be our neighbour.

A mile away from the beach and there was no sign of the mist . The sun was shining and the sky was deep blue. 
 Back home it felt so warm I got on with some jobs in the garden while M fitted the  new shed door.  It was so nice to be out with no need for a coat! 

No doubt the weather will  be back to wet and windy tomorrow but it was nice to have a taster of what Spring will be like. 
 It lifts the spirits

Thank you for your stars and comments . I hope you are all well.

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