
Slovenian Mardis Gras which is only celebrated in Slovenia and Cleveland, Ohio where the largest population of Slovenians outside of the homeland resides, many still in this old St. Clair neighborhood.  Above you see a Kurent, one of many from the parade that dances, shakes his loud bells, and waves a stick to scare winter away and welcome spring.  Sadly, we arrived at the end of the parade but got to see a smidge of it. Afterward, we went into the Slovenian National Home  where it was crowded and noisy with music, traditional dancers, lots of food and two specially microbrewed local Slovenian beers for the occasion, etc.  We saw a woman that could have been my oldest sister's twin, lots of photographers, lots of Slovenians and Slovenians-for-a-day, and plenty of Cleveland police.

Before leaving the area, we walked to St. Vitus Catholic Church and my goodness, I was not prepared for the amazing beauty of the place even though I had heard it is one of the most beautiful churches anywhere (Extra 2).  They still hold one Slovenian and one English Mass every Sunday. 

Walking and driving down St. Clair Avenue and side streets between E. 61st and E. 71st was a sad experience for us as this once beautiful, now high-crime area is quite run down.  

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