For my eyes only.

I was late arriving at the gym, but Des was even later. He went to the match in Swansea yesterday on the bus. The bus was full, and a lady got chatting to him across the aisle, and said you smell nice. When he looked over at her, he saw she only had three teeth in her head. It could only happen to Des:-). It was raining when I arrived, but by the time I left the sun was shining, although the wind was still  very strong. I walked through the fields, which were waterlogged, and as I got to the rivers edge, I saw this Grey Wagtail, preening himself on an over hanging branch. It was quite a distance away, so it's not as clear as I thought it would be, but better than nothing. A steak dinner later, and I am looking forward to watching the return of Last Tango in Halifax on BBC1 tonight.

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