Dark and .....
..... dull sky.
My Camilla is producing beautiful blooms and is loaded with buds, so sad no blue sky to show them off.
Church this morning was good, lovely hymns for the Sunday before Lent.
Then "A" and me went to lunch with O and M where we were cooked Lemon Chicken by M and O made a bread and butter pudding , a really yummy lunch with two lovely 20 somethings . They make such a lovely couple, we had such stimulating conversation too. Then M had to catch her bus to Canterbury Uni. We brought Daisy back for a few days , returning her on Friday next.
"A" will take Daisy out in a little while then we are looking forward to the 1st episode of Last Tango in Halifax, just love Deck Jacobi and Anne Reid.
Weather had been more of the same today but hope you've all managed to enjoy it.
Grateful .... for "A's" company and the central heating on this nippy night.
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