Daisy .....
..... here!
I'm lassoing a few of grandma's blips folks!!
Hi Grandma ?
Yes Daisy..
I've been thinking Grandma.
Have you Daisy, what about?
Well - - - Lent starts on Wednesday ( Ash Wednesday) so - - - before I need to give - up cakes and biscuits it would be good to come to the group with you tonight, cos ' I know I'll get a treat or two , Brian's a real softy he loves me!, and dad will be pleased to know that I'm up to date with my religious studies. What do you say Grandma?
Well Daisy , suppose that'll be ok , but you'll have to watch you're not fed anything with chocolate on cos' that's just not good for dogs.
Ok Grandma , will do, be nice to have a fuss from other sources tho' .
So Grandma have you got anything to add?
Yes Daisy , but it's more of the same, rain , wind and yet more rain.
So I'm sure you didn't enjoy your trot out today.
"A" hasn't been able to fit the lock on the other bedroom door , so I guess you'll be swiping things off the window sill if I don't remember to move them .
Grateful .... for your company Daisy
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