Strike that. Reverse it!


The Road is Long.......

.......With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows when
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

Yes I got this tune stuck in my head while I was editing the photo. It took me forever to work out what the title was but I got there in the end.

So I'm undecided about today, was it good? was it bad? Well it wasn't particular bad so it must have been good. I decided we'd walk to school this morning, really didn't fancy getting the car out on the estate. It was a lovely walk, the boys were very happy and walked very quickly. No "Come on Hurry up we'll be late"!!!! which has to be a first. I suppose for that alone it had to be a good day. Then I walked back home down the ginnel (above) A lovely elderly gentleman stopped me and chatted about Slr's for quite a while, which did make me smile.

It was such a gorgeous day, the sun was just rising the glow on the trees and bushes was truly gorgeous. This photo really doesn't do it justice.

This made me think. Uh Oh! yep its never a good thing when I think and I've been doing too much of that recently!

I know I've come along way since 1/1/12 and I "think" I understand my camera. I'm having more days when I see something beautiful and actually get the photo I imagined or saw for myself. Sadly today that wasn't happening.

I just don't seem to be able to do sunrises or landscapes very well. I see lots of fantastic photos but mine always look flat and dont seem to reflect what I see. I suppose it's good as I know I have a long learning curve ahead and it gives me something to focus on. I'm just not quite sure where to start.

Which I suppose left me with that flat feeling. So not a bad day really just not a blip buzzing day but who knows tomorrow maybe :0)

If you want to listen to the earworm/tune its here

Happy Tuesday blippers xxx

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