The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Beautiful barn owl ...

Not the sharpest photo ever - but it was pretty dull by the time I escaped to the great outdoors for a break ..

They say trouble comes in threes ..

We've had a week with no central heating at all, a Friday night burst pipe and today I woke to find the upstairs toilet overflowing and the floor awash ... so I mopped it up and came downstairs to find water pouring through the larder ceiling and the light bulb ominously flickering on and off .. ho hum ..

The positive outcome of all this is that I now have a fabulous plumber and electrician in the address book :)

High points of my Sunk Island jaunt - a hare, red legged partridges, several roe deer, curlew, lots of fieldfare and blackbirds - and of course my beautiful barn owl.

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