Why would you drive for hundreds of yards along a footpath and then suddenly go off-road to go up a grassy slope?
I hope the Council can explain this since it would appear to have been their contractors who did it after removing the fallen tree.
Absolute morons!

Despite his sore paw problems PD insisted on doing his long walk this morning. I stopped on the bridge and took two views that I have taken several times before - one looking downstream and the other upstream. The upstream one is actually two shots 'stitched' together (it came out rather well I fell) and is a follow on to a couple of other shots showing how the leaves has gradually fallen off the twigs.
I have also shot catkins along there before, but I make no apologies because I like them - and their colour also brightens the muddy walk.
As we neared home I decided that tomorrow I am going to drop a pair of secateurs in my pocket and deal with this problem ………. growing through and over a fence at face height and currently about 1/3rd of the way across the path.

Bags called in for a cup of tea this morning on the way back from the doctor. She has been signed off for a week with work related stress  …. a long story but it involves her line manager being a complete tit and doing her best to drop Bags in the shit to save herself.
I would fight fire with fire, but Bags is not like me and worries about things which are not her fault or that are beyond her control to the detriment of her health.
Hopefully this woman will be found out while Bags is off.

SWMBO has been in bed all day with an upset digestive system - no idea what has caused that - she has had the same as me all weekend.

PD cut short his lunchtime walk - which was fine because it meant we got home just as the rain started and it gave me more time to go and change my exhibition at The Larder. I will have to go back tomorrow though because I walked in to be told that one of the pictures had been sold off the wall (complete with frame) on Friday. Luckily I have a couple of spare frames. So that was a surprise we bonus for me …. and for The Larder as I give them a large percentage (them being a charity and all that).

I went and babysat  The Cygnet and Humphrey (Squirrel was out at a friend's house) for an hour or so, late afternoon as Bags was having her nails done.
When Humph's Mum arrived to collect her she was telling me that she wrote her car off recently …. on a steep road covered in ice and snow. Luckily neither she or her passengers were badly hurt as she managed to 'park' the car in a passing place rather than head through the fence and down in the gorge which is where they were heading.

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