Hiding In The Branches

Waiting on SWMBO to come out of the house I saw a flock of sparrows in the tree.
Needless to say as I got the camera up to my eye they all flew away.

We were going to the garden centre to claim the last of this month's free drinks and I tried taking some arty farty shots of the crockery.
I also took a couple of shots of the poppy head sculptures at the entrance. They are now very skeletal with the woven willow stems that give form to them (as can just about be seen on one of them) having rotted and fallen out of the metal structure.
I still like them.

The afternoon was spent collecting the monsters from school, taxiing them about and removing pond weed from - yes, you guessed it - the pond. There is still more to come out but I don't want to go overboard as we have heard the frogs for a few nights now.

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