
A thorn defends the Rose... Especially when it spots an Evie slip sliding on the ice like a new born giraffe taking its first steps! On the way home from school she slipped, whilst running, and went face first into a prickly bush (not entirely sure it was a Rose bush but it certainly had huge thorns) resulting in a scratch under her eye :( could have been a lot worse, I guess.

She was so brave and I could see she was about to cry but by the time she got up she had an audience... I can remember that feeling... :(

Managed to flog a load of crap on a village selling site today then bagged Evie an upgrade on her iPhone, she will be pleased :)

ION: May came out of school today and said "Mummy, I've been singing the same song all day today" when I asked her what song that was, thinking a little bit of Twinkle Twinkle or even a bit of 1D, she replied with "you know that song, oooh.... oooh.... oooh... 'cos yer sets takes me to paradise... I teached Millie it" I replied with "That's nice poppet" moved the conversation on whilst frantically texting Millies mummy apologising!!!!

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