
By SmileyCharlie

Calm after the snowstorm

The backblips will be coming! I have to download stuff off the camera, but for today I’m not going to get a better shot than this. I love the shadows.

We had a big snowstorm today, which was very strange because the day started with sunshine. To say goodbye to the running club I had Organise done last work run. It was quickly converted to meeting in a bar upon seeing the weather though!

We had our quarterly talk from the CEO about growth and “numbers”. As an American, he told us not to get in the basement with our guns in fear of corona virus... our office mates glanced around bemused. He went on to muse about 9/11.

Back at the house the Italians are all up in arms about coronavirus, but one is still visiting her relatives close to Bologna this weekend...

Tonight we will be making pancakes together at 8.30 (we missed pancake day!). After that I have to prepare Spanish tortilla for my work team lunch. Then I might try to pack more stuff... and then wake up for my drivers license appointment tomorrow before work.

GWOTD: Der Schatten - shadow

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