
By Snowyjones

Petrels patrolling

Arrived at my lunch spot today to a flurry of wings and heated exchanges between the black backed gulls and these petrels which I haven’t been able to identify as yet. The excitement was being caused by someone gutting a pile of fish so there was rich pickings to be had.
On my return I decided it was time to familiarise myself with my compass and so with my head full of declination and triangulation I think I now understand the theory behind it at least.
Flavour of the day was peanut butter and choc chip which altogether just had too many bits, better to use a smooth peanut butter I reckon. On the subject of peanut butter, as it seems to be the thing for sport loving folk, supermarkets here have machines to make your own. You just buy your nuts, peanuts or almonds, pop them into the machine and you get a tub of peanut/almond butter. Quite marvellous!

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